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Tom and the Pirates Pattern by Thimblestitch


Tom And The Pirates Pattern by Thimblestitch is a whimsical Pirate themed Australian embroidery Bed Runner Pattern which includes detailed color stitchery guides, Iron on transfers, and piecing instructions to make up into a Bed Runner, however you could also use the pattern to make up three individual cushions instead (or if you were really enthusiastic, ALL of the above!)

Availability: 1 in stock

Tom and the Pirates Pattern

by Thimblestitch

Embroidery Bed Runner or Cushion Patterns

Three Trace off patterns with stitchery instructions

 Tom And The Pirates Pattern by Thimblestitch is a whimsical Pirate themed Australian Embroidery Bed Runner Pattern or Cushion Pattern which showcases Cottage Garden Stranded Cotton Threads.

Cottage Garden Threads are hand dyed in Australia and include a range of Variegated 6 strand embroidery cotton in the most fabulous color combinations

The Tom and the Pirates Pattern by Thimblestitch includes detailed color stitchery guides, Iron on transfers, and piecing instructions to make up into a Bed Runner, however you could also use the pattern to make up three individual cushions instead (or if you were really enthusiastic, ALL of the above!)

Size if constructed as Runner – 53″x 34″

As individual cushions each stitchery 13 1/2 ” x  9 1/4″

Recommended Cottage Garden Stranded Cotton threads for this project are:

#201  Ash, #204 Maple, #300 Iris, #301 Ixia, #504 Lilli Pilli, #702 Muscat, #1003 Indian Lily, #1006  Running Postman

Click HERE to order  your Cottage Garden Threads so that are ready to start the minute your parcel arrives  (and save on postage!) 

Recommended Fabrics could be Cashmere Blanketing or Dr Flannel.

 I believe that these patterns could be quite easily adapted to use for an enchanting whimsical baby blanket.